Combinatorial maps





Let us denote by finite set of elements. Let us call elements of this set either simply elements or points or corners. Let us denote elements with small Greek letters. The cardinality ofis. Let us call permutation on  one-one map from to. In permutation let us denote target of by. Thus, we may use for permutation  following denotations:




We define multiplication of two permutations and denoting it as permutation on by formula. Thus we are multiplicating (or are reading multiplication) from left to right. Since multiplication of two permutations is always a permutation then all permutations on  shape a group with respect to multiplication operation that is called permutation group and denoted by  (or ). As is well known the permutation group is full (in sense faithful) representation of symmetry group in general. Then designates symmetry (or permutation) group’s action on  and the symmetry group itself. Permutation group’s identity element is identity permutation, that is denoted by or, which has identity map on, i.e., it leaves all elements of  on place. By  we designate reverse permutation of: if  maps  to, then reverse permutation  maps  to.

Simplest forms of permutation’s coding are two row matrix coding or permutation in cyclical coding form, e.g.:


Thus, matrix form is simply depicted as two row matrix, but cyclical form runs elements according their cyclical order. How to attain these forms of codings of permutation? It is shown in the table:

Indeed, starting with 1, first we find, then after, and with  cycle is closed. Then we take not yet searched element, say, 2 and find that and so on, until all elements are searched in their cyclical order in the permutation. Why we get cycles without repetitions and not something else? This is because the fact that permutation is bijection (one-one map).

Cyclical form (of coding) of permutation is more convenient in general use, because we may give only these elements which are moved, but elements that remain on place may not be specified in the code. For example, permutations and are identical, in particular if we do not bother about to indicate that first permutation acts on set of 8 elements. But permutation in matrix form we could not have sufficient space on leaf of paper to depict. [The problem in general is faced in computer programs where both ways of coding have their advantages and disadvantages and are to be used alternately where, of course, the cost of operations on both forms is the determinant of the way of coding. On computer, transform from one code to other is linear operation. Similarly, multiplication in matrix form is linear operation and many other operations are linear or near to that. Thus, permutational calculus, and combinatorial maps’ calculus can be performed in very powerful fashion.]

It is easy to see that cyclical form of permutation structurally is set of cyclical lists. This means that by changing cycles in the form or cyclically changing elements in a cycle does not change the permutation in general. For example, the permutation in the previous example can be put down in the way too.

Transposition is a permutation which changes two elements in their places but other remains as they are: transposition  has always cyclical form  . Each permutation can be written in the form of multiplication of transpositions . For example the previous permutation can be given as multiplication of transpositions in the form . Performing all multiplications, multiplying from left to right, we should return to the previous (canonical) cyclical form. Try it! It is easy to see that this way of presenting of permutation in the form of multiplication of transpositions is not unique. However, either  is even or odd is invariant of the permutation.



Combinatorial maps


Let us consider the simplest way of defining of the combinatorial map when it has graph on surface in the correspondence.


Let us have set  with  elements that are called corners. On set  permutations should act, and they are the objects we are going to deal with.


Definition 1.Two permutationsand  of order are distinct, if  for each .

Permutation is said to be involution if all its cycles are of order two.


Definition 2. Oriented pair of two distinct permutations is called combinatorial map if the multiplication is involution.


Combinatorial map defined in this way is called geometrical combinatorial map.


Let pair  be combinatorial map. Multiplication  that is involution is called edge rotation and is denoted by . Thus, consists of distinct transpositions.


Definition 3. Let pair  be combinatorial map.  is called vertex rotation and  is called face rotation.


Example 1. Let  and .  be combinatorial map with edge rotation  equal to.


Exercise 1. Try to connect combinatorial map from exercise 1 with the picture of graph in fig. 1. Hint. Numbers are to be considered as labels of ‘corners’ and cyclical orders of ‘corners’ around vertices and faces are to be considered as permutations.  Find vertex, face and edge rotations in the picture of the corresponding graph.



The correspondence between combinatorial maps and graphs on surfaces.


Let graph be embedded on oriented surface . This means that for each vertex the edges that are adjacent with this vertex are cyclically ordered around it, and in the same time the cyclical order of incident faces on  around vertex  is given too.

Let be set of neighbors of vertex . Cyclical order of edges around induces cyclical order in the set .

Let us denote the cyclically ordered sequence of neighbors of  by , where  is number of neighbors. Induced cyclical sequence , that consists from oriented edges around vertex  in the same way characterizes the embedding of the neighborhood of  on the surface . Outgoing (oriented) edges of each vertex form such cyclical sequence and outgoing (oriented) edges of all vertices form a permutation  (because each such oriented edge is unique). That means that the embedding of the graph on surface  is uniquely determined by the permutation (=) that acts on set of oriented edges . Let us denote this permutation by  (=). Thereby, the embedding of  on  can be given or fixed as .

Let us form one more permutation that characterizes the graph’s  embedding on the surface . Let us consider arbitrary face  with border (as sequence of vertices) , where the face  is passed round in the direction opposite to clockwise. Thus, f is oriented anticlockwise and can be characterizes by cyclical oriented sequence of oriented edges i.e., . Cyclical oriented sequences of all faces form induce a permutation that acts on set of oriented edges . Indeed, if arbitrary oriented edge goes into border of the face, then only once and only in the border of this face. By the same reason each oriented edges goes into border at least one face. Let us denote this permutation with . Thus, embedding of  on  can be given as . This is equivalently with the previous way of determining the embedding of  on   . Thus, graph  may be fixed on   either by permutation  or . More radical discovery tells us that graph on surface may be determined without specifying sets  and  at all, but specifying only pair of permutations  that is isomorphic to. Let us call this mathematical fact Hefter-Edmonds theorem. It was contrived by Hefter as early as 1898, but in contemporary form proved by Edmonds in 1960.





Combinatorial maps. Systematic insight.


Let be two permutations. Combinatorial map  is called geometrical if  is involution without fixed points.


Proposition 1. Geometrical map has even number of corners.

Proof. If map has odd number of edges then J  is involution with odd number of elements that has at least one fixed element.

Let us call involution  inner edge rotation but  edge rotation. We shall see further the difference between both clearer.

Pair of corners  is called edge if . Let us denote this edge by .

Proposition 2. If is edge and belongs to , then  belongs to .

Let us prove that . From that should follow what is asserted. Indeed:


Let us call inner edge, being simply edge. If  is edge rotation for a map, then is inner edge rotation. We have proved that application of vertex rotation to edge rotation gives inner edge rotation. Symmetric expression holds too: . Indeed:

It is easy to see that following expressions holds too:   and  .

            It is convenient to observe some terminology. Thus we are speaking that are acting on set  of corners or elements. This set of  elements is divided by  into  pairs. Let  be such pair that . Provided already belongs to inner edge rotation then there exists a pair  that belongs to edge rotation, that holds . It may be very convenient not to consider combinatorial maps separately with variable inner edge rotations but as classes of maps with one fixed inner edge rotation . For such fixed  map  has its unique edge rotation , that holds . Thus,  is common for a class, but  is depending from a map . In its turn, it becomes quite clear that map is determined only by one rotation, namely, vertex rotation .


We should keep in mind:

Text Box:

Map’s mirror reflection and dual map.

What looks like combinatorial map’s  mirror reflection?

Proposition 1. Map  has symmetric reflection’s map  in correspondence.

Indeed. Mirror reflected vertex and face rotations change their directions from, say, clockwise to anticlockwise [for vertex rotation] and vice versa [for face rotation]. Thus, we could write  and .

Proposition 2. Maps and change their places in mirror reflection in the way  and .

Indeed, from  follow that  and . [We used the fact that multiplication’s reflected map is reverse map, i.e., ]. Thus, in mirror reflection rotations  and  change as if in their places.

Trying to define map’s  dual map simply as  we use its geometrical interpretation. Thus we write . What we get for edge rotations? If in rotation  we change and  in their places, then rotation itself does not change, thus, . . But maps themselves, namely, dual map and reflected map, they are different.


Let be universal set of corners and be fixed. We are in  the class of maps, say, . Map  may be designated with one letter, namely, . Thus, we have  and would like to have  and  too. But we may take in our class of maps only those which have the same rotation . Thus  is not member of  and we are going to define what could be called reverse map, that is now within . Thus reverse map  or  is defined as . It has, of course,  and



Correspondence between permutations’ and combinatorial maps’ classes


Let class  have all combinatorial maps with inner edge rotation fixed. Then class’s members may be characterized with pairs  or or, keeping  in mind, only with one permutation, say, that of vertex rotation, , where  may be always calculated using formula .

Thus, living within fixed rotation  or saying that we live within , every permutation has its combinatorial map in correspondence. Identical permutation  has map in correspondence that in its turn has graph with  isolated edges. Transposition has map  and star graph  in correspondence.


Multiplication of combinatorial maps.


Let us define multiplication of maps in the class . Let us permutation multiplication take as the base operation. Let us try to define multiplication of maps in the way that class  is closed against this operation. Let and to class of maps with fixed inner edge rotation , i.e., to class .

Definition. We define multiplication of two maps in the way:

where  and

It is easy to see that map belongs to class :  .


We may write


We may write in more symmetric way too:


Further, multiplying maps, we may treat maps as permutations remembering that behind permutations we have maps.

Actually, we may be free in the interchange between maps and permutations within , because of the one-one correspondence between them. We even have more. Every theorem that holds for permutations has its meaning in maps’ interpretation too. Thus every permutational theorem has combinatorial map’s theorem in correspondence.

Further we are not going to use different designators for multiplication of maps and permutations.

Permutations constitute symmetric group, which acts on corner set . Group has group  in correspondence .




Normalized combinatorial maps


Practically working with combinatorial maps with fixed inner edge rotation  it would be convenient to choose some fixed  ‘for all cases of life’. We have chosen  equal with , id est,  inner edge is equal to . Let us further accept this form of  and use in all cases with excuse in cases when it is necessary.

If  is given it is easy to find : if in element  has  in correspondence, then for  corresponding element is equal to , if  is even, and equal to ,  if  is odd. For example, for given  let us calculate :, gives ; cyclically continuing:, , gives ; further , gives ; , gives ; , gives ; , gives;, , gives ; at last, , gives  and cycle is closed. We got: . Let us show these operations in the table:

It is easy to see in 3-permutation where second row shows  and third row shows :


Exercise 1. Find  for given  using the method given above.


Exercise 2. Find , for given.

Hint: if cycle ends start new cycle taking not yet searched element.


Let us calculate edge rotation of normalized map using formula :

Let us calculate edge rotation of normalized map, namely, using formula  and previous method of calculating  in the way [prove that it is correctly]:

Exercise 3. Calculate edge rotation  for maps  and  , using the method given above!




Geometrical interpretation of combinatorial maps.

Combinatorial map may be interpreted as graph on orientable surface. The fact corresponds to Hefter-Edmonds theorem.

In place to try to prove this theorem we suggest following construction which shows what is behind this theorem and how combinatorial maps may be considered as graphs on surfaces.

Constructive assumption. Using one general method, to arbitrary combinatorial map a graph may be mapped that is drawn in the plane with edge crossings in general.

Note. Any graph may be drawn in the plane with edge crossing in general.

Construction. Let  be vertex rotation of the combinatorial map. Each cycle of length  let us picture as a vertex with  halfedges, between which we put numbers of corners clockwise in the order corresponding to this cycle. Arbitrary inner edge of the map we picture in the plane followingly: let us find halfedge that is before corner with number  moving clockwise; likewise let us find ; let us connect halfedges  and  with a non crossing curve, but allowing crossings with other similar connections if necessary. Corresponding edge to this inner edge should be , where  follows anticlockwise  and  follows anticlockwise  in . Iteratively applying this operation, we get map pictured in the plane in the sense of this construction.












Illustration of connection of inner halfedges  and halfedges  in the drawing of the map in plane in case of different vertices.

















Illustration of connection of inner halfedges  end halfedges  in the drawing of the map in plane in case of the same vertex.