Senior researcher at
Institute of Mathematics and
Computer Science, Latvian University
Lecturer at
Faculty of Theology, Latvian University
My runnings at VSK Noskrien and
My web-pages List of web-pages
Quantum DistinctionsReading Exercises in Latin possible also in
The Classics Technology
Center: CTCWeb:
@ Stabu 91-31, Riga, Latvian
Republic, LV1009
26, Lielvarde, Ogres raj., LV5070
( (+371) 67272537, 29141215
1. On the results of testing the algorithm to find the planar part of graph in random graphs, Kaunas, N13, 1981.
2. Testing of the algorithm to find a planar part in the graph, Vilnius, 1982, 5pp.
3. Exhaustive search algorithm to find Hamiltonian Cycle in Graphs, EIK, 16, 1-3, Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1982, 69 - 75.
4. Packet of Programs of graph theoretical algorithms: planarity and implementation of the graph, Novosibirsk, 1982, 4pp.
5. On the Dynamic Partitioning of the Graph in Three connected Components, Republican Fund of Algorithms and Programs, Inv. N. UA0003Riga, 1984, 16pp.
6. (with J. Kratochvil, Prague) On the Minimum Number of Hamiltonian Cycles in Triangulations, KAM MFF UK, N15, Prague, 1986., 8pp.
7. (with J. Kratochvil, Prague) On Hamiltonian cycles in Two Triangle graphs, Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Vol.28, Prague, 1987, 73-78.
8. (with J. Kratochvil, Prague) On the Number of Hamiltonian cycles in Triangulations, Journ. Graph Theory, Vol.12, No.2, USA, 1988, 191-194.
9. The triconnectivity considered dynamically. Prague, KAM MFF UK, N 90-168, Prague, 1990., 6pp.
10. (with J. Dambitis) An Overview of Three Works of E. Grinbergs in Graph theory and Combinatorics, Acta Universitatis Latviensis, 588, Mathematics, 1993, 7-14.
11. (with P. Kikusts) Graphs on surfaces, Conf. LMS, Riga, 1994.
12. Graphs with rotation in permutation technique, KAM Series, N 94-274, 1994, Prague, Charles University, 8pp.
13. Graphs as rotations, KAM Series, 96-327, Prague, 1996, 9pp.
14. Graphs with rotations II: partial maps, unpublished, 1996, 11pp
15. Graphs with rotations: partial maps, KAM Series, DIMATIA, 97-365, 1996, 12pp.
16. The use of the combinatorial map theory in graph topological computations , KAM Series, DIMATIA, 97-364, Prague, 1997, 8pp.
17. Free minor closed classes and the Kuratowski theorem, KAM Series DIMATIA, 98-409, Prague, 1998, pp.
18. Using Combinatorial Maps in Graph topological Computations , KAM Series, DIMATIA, 99-438, Prague, 1999, 11pp.
19. Kuratowski theorem from below, in Acta Societatis Mathematicae Latviensis, No3, 2000, pp. 69-70.
20. Trying to Prove Kuratowski Theorem from Below, KAM Series, DIMATIA, 2000-489, Prague, 2000, 11pp.
21. On Free Minor Closed Classes of Graphs Outside Planarity, KAM Series, DIMATIA, 2001-543, Prague, 2001, 11pp.
22. Latin Dictionary Tools in Internet, Human Language technologies, the Baltic Perspective, 1st Baltic conference, Riga, April 2004, pp179-182.
23. Free Planar Graphs on Torus, in Acta Societatis Mathematicae Latviensis, No6, 2004, pp. ..-...
24. Free Planar Graphs on Torus: examining triconnected graphs for unbounded augmentability, KAM Series, DIMATIA, 2004-699, Prague, 2004, 8pp.
25. Classical and quantum self-reference systems in physics and mathematics, KAM Series, DIMATIA, 2007-807, Prague, 2007, 18pp.
26. 4-Critical Wheel Graphs Of Higher Order, poster in EuroComb 2007, 6 pp.
Pedagogical Works in Philology:
[New Testament Greek. Texts for work in classroom] Jaunas Deribas sengrieku (koine) valoda. Teksti darbam auditorija, ‘Svetdienas Rits’, Riga, 1991, 45 lpp.
[New Testament Greek. Texts for work in classroom] Jaunas Deribas sengrieku (koine) valoda. Teksti darbam auditorija, WORD Doc., Riga, 1991, 160 lpp.
[Exercises in NT Greek] Vingrinajumi Jaunas
Deribas sengrieku valoda, 1. 2. dala,
‘Luteriska Mantojuma Fonds’, Riga, 1995, 117
Activities at Latvian Bible Society:
At Latvian Bible Society I have translated:
I was a pastor at the Lutheran Church in
Lielvarde serving together with the pastor Igors
Valda & Julia